Marvelous Designer
Create Realistic 3D Animation and Game Characters.

What is Marvelous Designer?
It is a new generation software that attracts great attention from the game, 3d cinema film and animation industries all over the world and is used by the leading companies of these industies to create dynamic 3d clothes. Best realistic game character cloth making program for CG artists.
Which Industries Are Used?
Marvelous Designer software is used in many industries, from the clothing of 3D movie characters to the clothing of characters used in the world’s leading computer and console games.
Marvelous Designer allows you to make realistic designs in a wide range of design objects, including fabric and leather, used in the CGI world.
Graphic Design & Cartoon Animation
Marvelous Designer works with all character design and 3D Modeling software available on the market.
With Marvelous Designer, you can give life to the 3D models you have produced in many similar software, especially 3D Max and Maya, with fabric and leather.
With its interaction with other 3D software and its versatile compatible interface, you can bring your 3D character one step closer to the reality.
3D Motion Picture and 3D Games
Your 3D Virtual characters also have a personality! You can reflect the personality of your 3D character to your clothes with the costumes you design in Marvelous Designer. Realistic clothes used in world-famous 3D films, leather, fabrics and accessories used in the environments were designed with Marvelous Designer. You can contact us for more information and an offer about Marvelous Designer.